Tabletenky for searching and comparing flight tickets

The first Czech-Slovak comparator of flight tickets price.

Mobile aplication Tabletenky - FREE comparator of flight tickets price for tablet and mobile

  1. The first Czech-Slovak comparator of flight tickets for Apple mobile devices.

  2. On-line offers from specialized flight tickets sellers to the whole world.

  3. Search for flights all over the world for best prices. Special offers to the most popular destinations.
  4. Unique function for price comparison from different sellers on one click thanks to aplication Tabletenky.
  5. Usable and easy usage allows you to find cheapest price to the most wanted destinations within a few seconds.
  6. Tabletenky are available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on App Store and for Android on Google Play - FREE!

Are you interested in mobile application Tabletenky? Would you like to learn more? Feel free to contact us!

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